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Recent news from the NPAQ community. Follow to stay up-to-date on everything that matters to Queensland Nurses.

Queensland Nurses vs. Government Priorities

Nurses in Queensland Demand Recognition and Fair Treatment

Queensland Premier Steven Miles has told QLD Nurses & Paramedics, who have just worked through a pandemic often without appropriate PPE, that they have some of the best wages and conditions in the country. This statement comes amidst his approval of the Best Practice Industry Conditions policy, which provides trades workers with double time when it rains and an extra $1000 a week for working on a project 50km or more from the employer's address, among other perks. If the conditions are so good, why have one in five left since the beginning of Covid, with fewer doctors and nurses employed now than 20 years ago?

Case Win: Navigating the Social Media Minefield

Protecting Professional Integrity

In the digital age, social media has become an integral part of...

Workplace Support for AINs

Benefits of NPAA Membership for Assistants in Nursing

As an Assistant in Nursing (AIN), your role...

Case Win: Nursing Unfair Dismissal

A Tale of Unjust Termination

Emma, a member of the Queensland Branch of the Nurses Professional...

Case Win: Nurse Pay

How NPAA Negotiated a better employment contract

At the NPAA and Red Union Support Hub, our mission...

Case Win: Overturning Misconduct Accusations for Nurses

How NPAA Supports Nurses with Public Sector Appeals

Recently, a nurse named Julia, a dedicated...

Case Win: Navigating Unfair Dismissal in Nursing

Transforming Termination into Resignation with Compensation

For nurses or midwives working in...

Case Win: New Member of the Nurse Union Gets $15,000 WIN

NPAA is here for Nurses in distress

We're thrilled to share a success story from a new nurse...

Case Win: Resolving Workplace Bullying and Discrimination - A Case Study

This is a case study on bullying and discrimination, and what nurses (and other healthcare...